We all know that Buzzsaw is operated by a top-notch, highly trained, well-run, SAS-70 audited group of IT commandos. We call them "IT Operations" or "Service Delivery" or sometimes just "Delta Force".
But we get confirmation every once in a while from outside Autodesk, that these guys are doing as good a job as we think they are. Sometimes it comes in the form of an audit, sometimes a customer (or potential customer) has a bunch of questions for us to answer, which we always seem to be able to do.
But just the other day I heard that a major IT services and software company was implementing Autodesk Buzzsaw for its own project collaboration needs. This is a company that is used by the biggest Fortune 100 types, and has some really cool online meeting software and remote access software. They wanted to do some white hat testing on their own, before they decided our stuff was secure.
Hmmm. I was a bit nervous. After all, these guys are leaders in SaaS and are probably some of the experts in online security. They've been doing this a long time. THEY were going to be probing our systems? We were going to be subjected to THEIR automated hacking and port sniffing and TCP/IP fu? This might not be good...
Well, breathe easy, o Buzzsaw fanbase. Below is a screen shot of the email they sent us last week, regarding the results of their testing. Bravo, boys! Special thanks to Bill Higgins, James Landis, and Paul Cochrane for their tireless work in keeping our data safe and sound!