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August 01, 2008


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Rivera would have to give up a lot of the money he's already raised for his Senate bid because it's corporate -- but his donors could give it back to him. But there's also word that strategist Carlos Curbelo may throw his hat in. A little over a year ago, Curbelo lost to Rivera by a sole vote in the race to chair the Miami-Dade Republican Party.

The race could have implications for other races on the ballot: Curbelo is loyal to Senate candidate Charlie Crist; Rivera is tight with his primary challenger Marco Rubio. But they share one thing with the Diaz-Balarts: both are ardent supporters of the embargo against Cuba. Curbelo has never held elected office.

Curbelo called Diaz-Balart the "personification of honorable public service. That's his legacy. Our community is losing a strong voice in Washington but is gaining a private citizen that will continue working for the causes that unite us."

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